Saturday, February 4, 2012

The virtous wife

The Character of a Christian Wife.

A Christian wife is a wife who maintains an intimate relationship built on complete trust with her husband. The husband is at ease knowing that all he has is safe with the Christian wife, because she cares for him and he knows that. Through their love for one another; the husband knows that the wife would never do anything that would cause him sorrow, or suffering, or pain, or distress. He's never suspicious; he's never worried, he's not jealous, because she is absolutely trustworthy.   The Christian wife is in charge of the domestic matters in her home, because even if she works outside her home; the home is still her first priority. This kind of woman always has her husband’s best interests in her heart and she always seeks to build him up. Her desire is to make her husband every bit of the man that he can be-in every area. All the days of her life she is devoted to the wellbeing of her husband. Good times, bad times, times of plenty, times of little, times of sadness, times of happiness, sick times, well times-her love is ever and always devoted to the successes of her husband. She consistently seeks the very best and the noblest for the man who is her husband. She reveals her virtue by her consistent service on his behalf. Her love is so deep; it has purity and power, and devotion that never changes all her life long! His successes, his comfort, his reputation, his joy are her delight.   The Christian wife doe good and never evil, all the days of her life, and she is devoted to him being everything he can be. When necessary, because his highest good is her greatest desire, she will confront his sin and his weakness. And lovingly she will be a conscience-never unkind, and always submissive. She desires him to be everything he should be; because she loves her husband- she seeks his best interest.   She serves him; she cares for him. Her husband  is known as a man of great nobility and great respect, because of the contributions that she has made selflessly to him. She has done everything she can verbally, as well, to build his reputation, and never do anything to tear it down.

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