Thursday, July 7, 2011


Troubles come with a multitude of names- accidents, afflictions, bereavement, calamities, difficulties, disappointments, disasters, failures, hard times, hurts, miseries, misfortunes, ruin, sufferings, tragedies, trials, tribulations, or woes. They come, sometimes unexpectedly, sometimes after repeated warnings. Adversities may be temporarily discomforting or permanently disabling, even life- threatening or life- taking. Some adversities are merely higher hurdles over which we can climb with a little more effort, while others permanently wound us and we must find a way to triumph despite them. The one thing we can all count on about adversity is that it will surely come. We will all have troubles, so it is not a matter of will we, or won’t we- the issue is what we will do with adversity when it comes. We must recognize that suffering is not forever.

There is nothing that happens to you that surprises God; he knows every detail and walks beside you all the way. Sometimes God calms the storm-and sometimes He lets the storm rage and calms his child. When going through challenges of any kind- mental, emotional, physical, spiritual; we need the Restorer of life Himself. When unemployment, sickness, darkens, or death cloud our faith; we need to give it all to God. If you ever feel like you’re drowning in an ocean of problems, or your life is disoriented and falling apart; remember that Jesus is there to bring it all together and lift you up. “The secret of surviving does not always lie in the restoration of the body, but in the maintenance of the Spirit.”- R. Henrick.

 Adversities help us understand Christ better because He suffered for us- this deepens our relationship with Him.When it feels like life is closing in on you, and God is nowhere to be found; look at the history of God’s dealings with His people. Look back at Scripture- did He ever turn a blind eye when His children needed him? Look back at your own History with him; hasn’t He always been there when you needed Him? No matter how hard pressed you may be, or how overwhelmed you may feel; trust Him to keep you from being crushed or pushed to the point of despair. Mark 6: 48,50 – “He saw that they were in serious trouble, rowing hard and struggling against the wind and waves. He came to them… “It’s alright,” He said.” We do not have to endure the troubled waters of our lives alone.

Afflictions are often mercies in disguise, we know not what we might have been without them. When God in His mysterious providence overthrows all our cherished plans, and we may receive sorrow in the place of joy, we will bow in submission and say, "Thy will, Oh God, be done." We must and we will ever cherish a calm, religious trust in One who loves us, who gave His life for us. "The Lord will command his loving-kindness in the daytime, and in the night His song shall be with us. The Lord looks upon our afflictions. He graciously and discriminately meets them out and apportions them. As a refiner of silver He watches us every moment until the purification is complete. The furnace is to purify and refine, not to destroy and consume.

Through our suffering, God is working on somebody, and that means; someone will be saved through our suffering. So be careful how you fall, you might just take someone down with you. Problems are an inevitable by- product of fallen human life; they were not part of God’s plan. But being the loving God that He is; He has equipped us with promises to help us through the challenges we meet in this journey called life. Isa 43:2-3 When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour: I gave Egypt for thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee. Find strength in your trials; for God is always there with you.

The troubles of this world can lead one to panic and feel caged in. Joshua reminds us in Joshua 1: 9 to be strong in the struggles we may come across. Do not ask the Lord “why me?”, who then? Just tell the devil “try me.”May the revival begin with you. What a world this would be if we could forget our troubles as easily as we forget our blessings. I point you to the only sure and unfailing protection. Ask God for Christ’s sake to watch over and bless you. Ever seek for help in the Mighty One; His outstretched arm will save. Trying as your case may be, never yield to despondency. Guard yourself, your heart may ache near to breaking-remember He does not willingly afflict nor grieve His children. Never allow yourself to mourn. Be hopeful, be ever cheerful in God, and a brighter morning will come. Be steadfast in the hour of trial, and you will gain at last a crown which will never fade away. God will bless your poor, stricken, wounded soul. Cling to His hand; hold fast. He will take you and all your grief and burdens if you will only cast them all upon Him.

Once you have crossed over to slid ground; remember to thank Him for carrying you. Use those moments as an opportunity to testify to those who suffer the same kinds of adversities you faced. Look around you; God has placed good friends in your life to support you. He shows Himself to you in many ways. Appreciate Him and thank Him for being there.

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